Congratulations to all of the Graduates of 2020! Each year we do an assortment of cap and gown shots during our senior portrait sessions but this year, because so many graduation ceremonies have been VIRTUAL, a lot of grads are missing out on the cap and gown photos that are usually taken at commencement. So this summer we are making a slight change and doing our business professional headshot sessions and allowing a little extra time for a cap and gown shot. This means you have the fun graduation shot and also have a headshot for LinkedIn and your job search. If you don't need a business headshot, you can schedule this session for just graduation photos. Or as a quick senior photo session. Two birds One stone.
Ready to look at more samples of our senior portraits? Visit our blog just for seniors, here.
This is especially important for college grads that will be stepping out in to the job world soon. Our 20 minute headshot session is $225 and includes two digital images for online use -- and this summer, we're including two 5x7 prints of the cap and gown shot of your choice at no charge (a $100 value!). Just call us to book your session and mention that you would also like a cap and gown shot and we'll be sure to make time for it! Book your appointment by calling us at 972-250-2415 or email us : and we'll set it up for you. #TBseniors #tbergphoto #SENIORS